Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 20

Flicking Philly


  1. Once again another very creative idea and photo.

  2. Fantastic idea and wonderfully executed!

  3. Very cool idea and I like seeing yet another shape of your hand. The way it is coloured and woven into the clouds is inspiring. Is that real silver/white paint or Photoshop paint?

  4. " Is that real silver/white paint or Photoshop paint?"

    I just de-saturated a little and played with the color balance settings in PS, blending into the clouds using a layer mask and also playing with the opacity to allow a little of the cloud color to show through.

  5. You must have extra time on your hands. Are you on vacation? This is so cute, and very funny. It really looks like the hand has come out of the clouds.

  6. Another very cool idea. I would like to see a tiny bit of the fingers reflected in the to be pishnutted building. You can see in the other buildings that objects to the right are being reflected in them. Well done, nonetheless.

  7. Ha! You are so creative. And what a fun bully. Nicely executed, sir!

  8. I like the lighting on the hand. Nice touch :-)

  9. Just wondering, did you shoot your backgrounds on the same day as your hand and then merged them? I wonder because I thought you lived in a very rural area nowadays.
    Nevertheless I love your creative merges, very creative takes on the hand.

  10. No no, there are people in there. They will be better...really
